Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 22nd

Today I officially started my last piece of coursework, and managed to get quite a lot done too.ish. So anyway, I filled up one of my makeshift bowls with skittles and off I went. tappity tap tap tap.

I also had a thought- why is it that the colour you like best is always the least present? E.g. wine gums- your really lucky to get maybe 3 red ones. Skittles- the ratio of red to other colours is ridiculous and as for smarties, well they've just gone ahead and some making the blue ones!! IIIIII think, that they should make packets where you can just buy red skittles, and wine gums, and blue smarties, and so on. Then you would have to, of course unwillingly eat the rest of the ack when all you really want is the one, possibly two, colours.

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