People are sooo different. I see someone in one way, other people see them COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY.
I miss the chat with girls, I want to live in a girlie house!!
After work at 2.00am, I can for some reason hear birds.
My eyes feel funny and my shoulder ache like hell. It wasn’t even THAt busy.
M* got upset today, we told him hes camp. He is. But hes really conservative, homophobic, gays are dirty kinda guy. I think that’s really dated thinking for someone our our age/generation, but hes ok with it so whatever.
Had a nice afternoon getting little things done. Although I STILL need to call the dentist. I don’t know why I keep subconscienly keep putting it off. I cant be bothered to wait because they take AGES to answer.
Fixed aussies coat that she lent me and made a cool brooch from an old quarter. I wanted a canadian one but I couldn’t find one.
I am brimminng with crafty ideas at the mo, and im loving that One Note kelps me keep track of them and I can cut and paste stuff I like. One day I want a whole room in my house to be a craft room. All nice white furniture and a big table to work on. Everything could be organized and have its own little place!!so for now, OneNote is like my craft room in my computer I guess.
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