Thursday, March 8, 2007

Feb 23

what a loverly day! nice and sunny in blighty. Strolled through the lanes and had a pot of tea at a cafe over-looking. Loved brightons slow pace again. not as rushy and dressed up as bristol at all. had too much sugar in the tea and flet slightly sick actually. Went to shabbat dinner at sussex uni's jsoc's hillel house and had so much fun. good meal too!chicken soup! and..................... I GOT JEW OF THE WEEK!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Had to say hello and start a song, suggest a name for the new hillel houseor tell a joke:

So theres a rabbi and a catholic priest (theres always a rabbi and a catholic priest)

the catholic priest asks the rabbi- rabbi?have you ever eaten pork? and the rabbi replies- well, when i was young i lost my religion for a few years and yes i ate prok, but its in the past and now i dont.

so the rabbi says to the catholic priest- priest, have you ever been with a woman? and the catholic priest replies, well yes a long time ago once, but not any more.

and the rabbi replies- sex is better isnt it!

Spent the evening at a funk club, all motown and funk music, it was really cool. had a star of david drawn on our cheeks with a glow pen and glowed the night away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo, Jew of the Week. Congrats! (M)