Today was the day of the interview for Aberford Interiors. Not too nervous as it was going to be quite informal.
The interview wasat this little cafe come bar come restaurant type place down at the waterfront. I went down to that part of town a bit early so i ould pick up chris' birthday presnt from that dumb lady. funnily enough all went smoothly!i was expecting something bad, i was actually a little fed up before i got there, in anticipation of course.
So i had load sof time to kill so i walked slowly along the waterfront towards the cafe. It was cold but sunny. nice winter were having actually. So i came across this little memorial thing, ive been pastit before but never realised it was a memorial for rememberence. So there were all these little wooden crosses with paper poppies stuck on them strewn across it, it looked like there had been loads but most had blown away. I picked one up and it had a little laminated piece of paper stuck to the back with the name of someone on it and how they died. all the letters were faded and and a little smudged where water had gotten in. There had probably been loads of people there on rememberence sunday, and then it was just left, no one cleared up or cared afterwards.
Then i came along some swans, and this indian man and his little boy came to feed them, and the little boy was really scared of them and wouldnt go near the edge, he stood like 2 feet back and just threw his crisps in. i wondered if the ducks could taste the flavouring on the crisps. the dad kept pulling his boy towards the edge to be with him, and eventually picked him up and put him next to him, but of course he moved straight back to 2 feet away. the dad left it then, just let him feed them. in all fairness,the swans were quite big especially in comparison to the little boy. It was a really sweet little scene, and after taking a photos of the swans eating i took one of the dad and his boy, his dad didnt care about the ducks, he was enjoying being with his son and experiencing the moment. As i walked past them on my way towards the interview, we smiled at each other and the indian man said goodbye. i wish id asked him for his email or his address so i could send him the photo, that would have been nice.
so i kept going and the interview was further than i thought, so i kept walking along the river side and found came across this little yard where there were a few really old boats, they looked like little cartoon tug boats. I didnt have much time or battery, but they were so colourful i had to take a photo, i didnt have time to find a great angle so this had to do, i still like it though.
I went to the interview and it went really well, i really liked the two people that interviewed me and it was nice to find out more about the business.
I walked back to the bus stop feeling pretty good, talking to chris and discussing going to fiji, cuba, and hawaii, i was basically just shouting out places i wanted to go this year, none of which we will actually go to, well probably end up somewhere like centre parks. but hey a girl can dream.
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