Ok, ummm....my name is Steph, nice to meet you!
So today's the 2nd day of 2007, and I decided end of last year to do this photo a day thing. You take a photo everyday (yes, that was slightly obvious) and you can look back at it later. SO eveyday (or every couple of days) ill be posting my photos on here, to live forever in the wonderful world of blogs. Im going to work lots the next few weeks and buy myslef the new camera ive been eyeing up, I cant wait. I warn you, I am an absolute beginner, more of an enthusiat really, so bear with me.
I keep up with other blogs, however, im quite new to this whole blogging to the world thing, so please do leave any comments you have. I hope to add a bit about what ive done that day, how I feel, maybe add in some links to some cool stuff, and any thoughts etc (not that they come along too often..) Ive never really been into the whole devoting an entire website to yourself thing, this is mainly just for me to look back at, but if you enjoy reading along, feel free.
So ill post some stuff about myslef, maybe itll help you decide if you want to stick around for the journey. Im a student, although not your steriotypical smelly, wash 1 a month eating beans out of the tin kind. I work hard, and when i get the time, try to play harder. I want to achieve a 2:1 and get a really great job, hopefully in advertising. Im originally from Toronto,Ontario, but i moved to england in early teens and althought all my family now live back in Canada, im still here. This sometimes makes for interesting situations and mishaps.
A little bit more about me- i love it when you buy 2nd hand stuff thats all retro and 80's. and i love how it smells a bit musty and moth ball like till u wash it a couple of times. i love painting with bright colours. i love taking photos of beautiful things, and catching people when they are unaware. i love my beautiful boyfriend. hes yummy. weve been together almost 3 years. i love sitting on the floor next to my bed right in front of the tv watching something like breakfast at tiffanys and drinking a big glass of milk. its wierd but it feels great. i love being a small ball of energy and making people i like smile. i love wrapping presents and i love seeing people love whats inside. i love it when u meet someone and u get those butterflies and cant stop thinking about them. i love disney films, especially the little mermaid. i love marty mcfly and i love wearing big floaty dresses and twirlling around!
So thats a bit of my personality for you. Hope you like it.
Hope youll stay, please do leave a note, it'll be nice to know people are reading!
p.s. I dont have an afro, this pic was from halloween
1 comment:
Steph i miss you! I love this idea such a good way to see what everyone is up to! Hope the world is treating you well, Lynds x
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