ok so today is the 30th of jan, and no didnt forget to take a picture and no ive not skipped a day, im just posting to let you know that my computer has gone kaput.
It wont wont turn on.
its something to do with the lead, or the bit that it goes into on the back, but either way it wont turn on.
And i am totally lost now, as i cant do anything!
blah blah blah serves me right for being one of those people 'these days' thats so reliant on technology, but may i remind you that i am a student, and i need to do work on a computer. i have a piece of coursework due in 6 days, most of which is done but is unaccessable due to it being on the computer that wont turn on.On top of this i have another piece due a week after. And really its not my fault im so reliant and in love with my little laptop because i NEED it to do my coursework, they dont accept handwritten coursework.
Also, i have placement jobs to apply to, 2 of which have deadlines tomorrow, and although, yes i could apply on one of the other 4 laptops in the house, i cant really because my beautiful perfected after 2months CV is on the computer that wont turn on. ITS ONLY A YEAR OLD!!!so the computer man says that if its not a problem with the lead, its going to cost me £145 to fix, plus the £6 in bus fare itll cost me to get to the store.
So, lets hope its just a case of getting a new lead! although, with my luck these days it wont be, and it wont matter that i cant finish my coursework because ill be working so many shifts to try and pay for it that i wont have time to do it and ill fail my course.
Yes im being over dramatic and no i dont care.
So im going upstairs to watch Sex and the City DVD's and maybe the problem will just go away by itself.
in the words of a true mofo,
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Jan 28

Today is a little bit of a cheat, I took a phto of a photo. I know i know. But its a very nice photo and its for a special occasion and technically, i still took a photo.
This is for MR.M because everytime I hear it I think of you. As with the Ellen Degenerates show, but it doesnt have lyrics.
I Love Youuuuuuuuuuuu Mr.M!
Tommy used to work on the docks
Unions been on strike
Hes down on his luck...its tough, so tough
Gina works the diner all day
Working for her man, she brings home her pay
For love - for love
She says weve got to hold on to what weve got
cause it doesnt make a difference
If we make it or not
Weve got each other and thats a lot
For love - well give it a shot
Whooah, were half way there
Whooah, Livin on a prayer
Take my hand and well make it - I swear
Whooah, Livin on a prayer
Tommys got his six string in hock
Now hes holding in what he used
To make it talk - so tough, its tough
Gina dreams of running away
When she cries in the night
Tommy whispers baby its okay, someday
Weve got to hold on to what weve got
cause it doesnt make a difference
If we make it or not
Weve got each other and thats a lot
For love - well give it a shot
Jan 27

Got an immense amount of coursework done today, sat with Janet at home and did alot.
Worked in the eve and took this little photo 'behind the scenes'.
This weekend is the 3rd anniversary of the joining of Mr.M and I.
So for you:
It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
Jan 25
Jan 24

This eve was spent celebrating the birth of my one of my very good friends, Sophie. Frequented HJB and Mbargo's with our giggles and numerous photographs were taken. The chosen one is of two people who are very important to me, Sophie and Sophie. I cant believe it took till the 24th for the two of you in my daily with 007, I hope you will be here many times more. I love you both, I dont know what id do without you and your boobs!
So an extra one for the birthday girl and one for the first girlfriends club:
You don't own me
I'm not juss one of your many toys
you dont own me
dont say i cant go with other boys
you dont own me
dont try to change me in any way
you dont own me
dont drag me down , cuz ill never stay
I dont tell you what to say
I dont tell you what to do
thats all i ask from you
Im young and i love to be young
Im free and i love to free
to live my life the way i want
to say and do whatever i please
you dont own me
NO NO you dont own me
NO NO you dont own me
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Jan 23
Spent the day with wonderful Mr.M. Went to buy him a 21st birthday present.
The woman in the store knew nothing.at all. I got increasingly irritated as I had to spoon feed her some customer service to give back to me. Another woman entered and got just as bad service.
It was bad not because she was rude or anything like that, she was just plain dumb. It amazed me that someone would leave a person of this stupidity in charge of a store, that is probably thier livelyhood, in which they know absolutley nothing about the products nor how to even try to go about giving some level of customer service.
So i walk away having ordered something, only to be even further annoyed when she calls me an hour later to ask if i really do want that size braclet becasue it really is rather small and so on and so on and SHUT UP!!! I ORDERED THAT SIZE BECAUSE I WANT THAT SIZE!!
So i meet her half way and ask her to find out a measurement for me and then CALL ME BACK BEFORE changing the ordered size.
I, mistakingly thought this was a clear, easy message to understand. Of course however, i was totally wrong. She calls back 15 minutes later saying that she has spoken to the manufacturers and ordered the next size up.GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not only that, she hadnt even found out the information i wanted!! So of course I inform her that i did want the size, believe it or not, that I had actually asked for, and now shes going to have to look like an idiot when she calls the manufacturer, yet again to change the order, yet again. Dear god some people are sooooooo stupid.
Nice bracelet though.
Jan 22
Today was the first day back at uni in 5 weeks. This is the ever bleak view of a journey that will not be missed.
My head felt a bit mushy after trying to remember what id done 5weeks before.
Today christopher surprised me by coming down to see me for a few precious days.
I took another photo this eve, I looked up just when the sky was in that 'sun has set but the sky is still pretty light and very very blue' stage. I was in a good mood at teh time, and i seem to find all the pictures when i am...
Jan 21
Sunday.I LOVE sundays.No reason really, i get lots of other days off. Theres just something about the mentality of sunday, that make them so good. And even if the whole weeks is gray and wet, sunday will be the only day that itis clear and sunny. This sunday was, and it was so nice i took a photo of the rareity of a clear blue sky in the middle of January.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Jan 20
Jan 19
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Jan 18
Today i didnt do much, but i got alot done. what i mean is there was nothing interesting to tell you of, but i got alot of adminy type things done.
Todays post is for my mum. because i love her and shes great.hehe.
Sometimes I find myslef doing things in a certain way, or saying something like she would do them, and i dont mind. You hear people saying they hate that they're like thier mother, but i dont mind. She hasnt had the easiest things thrown at her, shes has stomach problems and ulcers and such, but shes always optimistic and cheerful. So i suppose i wish i could be more like her.
Im even a little upset because i dont think ill be visiting this summer, and i would like to see her. But then again, i suppose that means i wont have to leave her. Anyway mum (Mom as you prefer), I love you. And these flowers are for you!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
17 Jan

Met George for coffee this morn, then went to hers for some lunch, was really nice to spend some time out of work with her. She lives up top the hill, so i got a photo of these really old, steep steps that for some reason i really liked. Got a photo on top too, you could see really far, but it was trange cause all you could see was houses. so today has 2 photos, same place different perspective. Old time steps and bristol landscape.
Oh yea, found out last night that i got through to the last stage of the BT interviews!!!so excited cause i really want the job, although ill somehow have to afford to live in london! anyhoo, yay for me!
Also, a friend posted this on my facebook wall, i dont usually like these things but i thought it was so nice id share it with all you females out there
Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree.The boys dont want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt.Instead, they get the rotten apples from the ground that arent as good,but easy. So the apples up top thinksomething wrong w/ them when in-reality they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top*
16th Jan
16th Jan was the day. The day that this beautiful little piece of metal found its way into my life. It had waited for me on the shelf long enough, its little soul was tired of waiting, today was the day i would take it home with me and promise love it forever.
This lucky little fx07 (i havent given him a name yet- we cant agree on one), had already found a place in my heart, its so tiny yet has so much inside! (a bit like me!)
so today was spent doing the regular things you do when you buy something new like this- playing with it ALL DAY! I took photos of my foot, my desk, my door, things in my room really. Too cold to go outside and i dont think little 07 could have handled it, i dont want him to think hes come into a bad home after all. So we bought him a nice big memory card and a nice little jacket to keep him warm this winter, and to of course keep him safe.
The next few eeks are going to be of cheap living for the two of us, but well kep each other company.
Here he is in all his glory, all black and shiny. I am holding a competition as to what i should name him- all suggestions welcome. he does deserve a name, being so wonderful and all. something cute!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
15th Jan
Today I handed in my HRM coursework, so glad to get rid of it!!
Still with chris today, we test drove the new Mazda Rx8 he wants, and it was soooo cool!!the man told him to put his foot to the floor on the motorway, of course we went zooming off, and got up to 100mph in 3rd gear!and we went round a big roundabout at full speed, and the car totally took it. i cant describe it but it was sooo cool.
Got marks for a piece of coursework back today too,didnt do as well i wanted but still did ok :'-( Was a little annoyed about it but ill just have make sure i do better in the next piece.
Never mind, i still got a wonderful picture of a wonderful person.
Jan 14th
Today was the sunday of all sundays!!!i got to see christopher!!!wwwooo hooo!!we had a really nice time, we sat in starb's for a while, had sunday roast at a pub, and then went to a few little bars (inc. HJB) and got a little tipsy. Bumped into a friends from school, which is wierd, cause it was so quiet in the bar and i never bump into her, so it was kinda odd.
Anyway, saw this really small van behind sainsburys, and for some reason it made me laugh so in it goes!!
Jan 13th
On my way to work this eve,it was pouring with rain, it was dark and cold and generally not very nice. So i turn the corner and I see this man, whom I can only assume is homeless, juggleing. Yes juggleing. with three balls, in the freezing cold and wet, not many people around and an upturned hat in front of him. It made me smile and it took me a minute to decide I was going to ask him to be my photo that day, but i did. And he was more than happy to carry on juggleing for me while i took my photo (which is very bad quality but hey). I returned my gratitude by giving him my tips from the night before, it was only 1.50 but it was all i had with me.
Its not as if i saved this man from homelessness, but i thought it was nice that we had this little interaction; he was so pleasant and cheerfull even though it was raining and cold. It made me smile and i passed it on by giving him what i could. I usually get a little annoyed by homeless people who come right up to you and ask for money, but i thought it was strange that this time, i was asking one of them for something. It was only something small, but then so is what they are asking for. it just goes to show how backwards and caught up we are in our own little world sometime.
Tonight was my first night on the bar ALL night, it was fun, and i even made some tips!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
11/01 or 11/1
Ok, I have a weird thing about the number 11 and 111 and 1111 and you get the idea. Todays date is 11/1 so its my picture of the day. Watch out for 11, now ive mentioned it youll see it eveywhere...starting here!!
(this 11 thing is a long,boring story, telling you will only make you think im odd.very odd.
Back to revision, Marketing Research exam tomorrow, and i cant wait to get there and feel the dreaded feeling that my fears are right- i havent done enough revision/listening in class, and yes, i will be resitting this in the summer.
(funny how things dont sound sarcastic in text)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Jan 10
Toay was spent doing some flyering for HJB industry NYE night. It was really cold down by the iver, but it was so sunny and nice that it made the walk pretty nice. It was nice to get some fresh air. Ok...air. So i walked past the fountains and managed to get a few really nice shots considering im using a camera phone, this i think is best. I like that you can only see some of the photo cause it just so damned sunny!!
(if anyone knows how i can make the sky a bit bluer in photoshop, please let me know!)Settleing down to do some revision this eve....grrrrr
had to add this photo in too, just did it on photoshop and again im a complete beginner there too so im quite proud of myslef!

Jan 9
HJB's christmas/new years do, we ate food and drank...ALOT! Texila max, bowling, and lizzard lounge. I suck at bowling but boy do I like the shoes. What can I say...sometimes a girl needs a primary colour...
Had a really good time..thanks guys!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Jan 7
I spent 3 hours at starbucks this morning catching up with Jinx and doing a small amount of revision for tomorrow. It was really good to catch up on the chat, i missed her! So todays photo is one of those ones that will show me whats important to me at the end of the year, its a photo of my 'bestfriendbestfriend' Jinx!
p.s. wish me luck-finance exam tomorrow!! :'-(
Jan 6
Friday, January 5, 2007
Jan 5th
Today photo is really bad, its really blurry but i couldnt resist. My new twist board came today and toby thought it would be fun to have a go. His first venture onto it proved to be hilarious and i only just managed to take the picture before he fell off from twirlling too fast (hence the blurryness). It made me laugh which is nice cause i havent much in a while, exams and coursework are stressing me out and i miss chistopher. I managed to get a video this eve of him doing it and singing lets twist again, ha ha ha ha... :-)
p.s. today mike bought flares and Toby wore board shorts and flip flops... it was like 5 degrees today. And yes hes also owns a 'gilet'...
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Jan 4th

Special hello to my mummy and daddy to whom i am about to send an email to tell them to check this out.mmmwwahhh miss you both xoxo
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Jan 3rd
Todays photo is of a few houses the other side of the street. Whenever i walk past them i like the way they are so simple and bright. what can i say, im a primary colour kind of girl. And today it wa nice to see something bright on an otherwise horribly gloomy day. today was spent doing revison again, and this eve will probably be spent watching the start of celebrity big brother (even though i dont like it, they always put it on when nothing else is). maybe an audrey hepburn B&W is in order...
I have also been wondering today as to why people make New Years Resolutions. It seems to me that if you want to do something badly enough to actually make it a 'resolution' and stick to it, why not just do it when you decide to? e.g. why would you tell yourself you will quit smoking in two weeks when the new year starts, why not just do it? surely putting it off for two weeks just means your not ready? And although i can see this as almost preparing your mind set for the fact that you will be doing whatever the resolution is, why could this be done on the 6 of april?why at the beginning of a new year?
Its funny really, everyone celebrates the start of a new year and the end of the old, but up here in the northern hemisphere, its got to be one of the most depressing times of year?! Festive times are over, its really cold (and in England horribly wet), warm months are far away, and (for me a least) there is mountains of coursework and lots of exams to revise for. So I will have my celebrations in the spring, when the end is near on exams, you see the first daffodil and animals start havig babies. Yes I am being miserable, and yes, i offically have NewYear syndrome. and yes i made that up.
Also a quick question, at chinese new year, do the chinese start resolutions then or do they wait untill the modern calenders' new year?hmmm...pressing stuff this is....
any answers or thoughts welcome!
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
2nd jan
ok i really did nothing exciting today, except for start this blogging thing!i did revision for an exam next week, a finance one. so understandably, inspriation was hard to find, so took the easy option. However, my revision was made more enjoyable by writing my notes on the little mermaid paper i got for my birthday, thanks again to my mofo's for doing that!!
Jan 1st
So not much was done this day, I braved the cold and went to get some food shopping after waking up at 12 ( I work at a cocktail bar, and it being new years eve the night before, i didnt get home till 4ish after staying after work and drinking the biggest bottle of champange youve ever seen, im not just lazy). (it really was big, it had like 16 bottles in one huge one!we had it between about 10 of us, and barely made a dent, and i had ALOT...ill a) So this photo shows what i did most of the day, stayed in bed watching scrubs and friends and the like. Isnt that what news years day is for anyway....?

Ok, ummm....my name is Steph, nice to meet you!
So today's the 2nd day of 2007, and I decided end of last year to do this photo a day thing. You take a photo everyday (yes, that was slightly obvious) and you can look back at it later. SO eveyday (or every couple of days) ill be posting my photos on here, to live forever in the wonderful world of blogs. Im going to work lots the next few weeks and buy myslef the new camera ive been eyeing up, I cant wait. I warn you, I am an absolute beginner, more of an enthusiat really, so bear with me.
I keep up with other blogs, however, im quite new to this whole blogging to the world thing, so please do leave any comments you have. I hope to add a bit about what ive done that day, how I feel, maybe add in some links to some cool stuff, and any thoughts etc (not that they come along too often..) Ive never really been into the whole devoting an entire website to yourself thing, this is mainly just for me to look back at, but if you enjoy reading along, feel free.
So ill post some stuff about myslef, maybe itll help you decide if you want to stick around for the journey. Im a student, although not your steriotypical smelly, wash 1 a month eating beans out of the tin kind. I work hard, and when i get the time, try to play harder. I want to achieve a 2:1 and get a really great job, hopefully in advertising. Im originally from Toronto,Ontario, but i moved to england in early teens and althought all my family now live back in Canada, im still here. This sometimes makes for interesting situations and mishaps.
A little bit more about me- i love it when you buy 2nd hand stuff thats all retro and 80's. and i love how it smells a bit musty and moth ball like till u wash it a couple of times. i love painting with bright colours. i love taking photos of beautiful things, and catching people when they are unaware. i love my beautiful boyfriend. hes yummy. weve been together almost 3 years. i love sitting on the floor next to my bed right in front of the tv watching something like breakfast at tiffanys and drinking a big glass of milk. its wierd but it feels great. i love being a small ball of energy and making people i like smile. i love wrapping presents and i love seeing people love whats inside. i love it when u meet someone and u get those butterflies and cant stop thinking about them. i love disney films, especially the little mermaid. i love marty mcfly and i love wearing big floaty dresses and twirlling around!
So thats a bit of my personality for you. Hope you like it.
Hope youll stay, please do leave a note, it'll be nice to know people are reading!
p.s. I dont have an afro, this pic was from halloween
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