Tuesday, May 1, 2007

April 16

the beginning of the end

April 15

Need I say more?

April 14

Today I did so much I took this photo at the last min before work. I went to the down with aussie, and then went for a drink at the 'ranch'. Phew.what a full day. It was so sunny and hot and beautiful.

April 13

I went with the flower theme again today because I saw this tree. Its one of those short ones where the branches spread out really wide. And the flowers were so pretty I couldn't help it. They were kida weird shaped too which I liked.

April 12

April 11

Trains make me nervous sometimes.
ive thought about it and im not sure why.
its not being on them, its something to do with the getting to the station,getting a ticket, getting there on time etc.

April 10

we went into reading and I took this from on top of the car park. Im not sure why though..

April 9

Today………………..THIS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enough said.

April 8

Maybe yesterday double yammy of excitement (new food and a celebrity) made today boring because Apparently nothing interesting happened today, as this is the photo I ended up with. Not that hes not interesting, just, well, you know what I mean

April 7

today we went to a new indian in pangbourne and it was soooooooo good. So good that celebrities eat there. The goalie from Reading FC- Marcus Hanaman. In all honesty, had I not been with fans, I would have thought he was your regular very day american indian food eater.

April 6



Baby everything (inc a baby emu's!)

A HUGE rabbit

A very organised picnic-I was in charge of savory snacks

April 5th

The swan, on a beautiful day!

I thought the DANGER! sign is a bit funny really.first of all because it is quite obvious that there is a certain degree of danger.second of all because its so far out that by the time you seeit/can read it, its probably already too late.

April 4

A mofo reunion at last!!

I love you guys too much!!

April 3

This morning I had to drag Mr.M out for a walk. After some complaining and stropping, he cheered up cause we went into Sullum. We forget that the countryside is on our doorstep sometimes. We saw some horses in the next field, And I got so annoyed at myself for forgetting my camera. grrrrrr! so although i took this on Mr.M's phone, I wasn't allowed to take anymore. It was a nice walk, it was a bit windy but once we got into the trees it was ok.

Birds singing
Blue bells blooming
Trees creaking in the wind
Rabbit holes
A dead tree with white flowers blooming
A bomb shelter?!

April 2

Today is really warm. Not hot but warm with a warm breeze too. A mad dash out of work to the bus stop. Just as I get there one pulls up..its sunny and now im in a good mood!

April 1

A wonderful picture of what i did today.its a pitty you cant be sarcastic in text, isnt it?

March 31st

a lovely big fat sky contract landed on my doorstep today.i had to pace myself and get dressed etc before I sat down to go through it all.

It didn't work, I did it in my pajamas. Pretty good end to the month!

March 30th


March 29th


March 28th

Walked with aussie. She was, shall we say, feeling a little special. It was hot and sunny, but foggy for some reason.

March 27th

Actually managed to go for a full on walk today! i went with T* and it was so sunny and nice. I even got warm!

I imagined the people that may have lived in the huge houses, all Victorian and in those dresses with the big bums, walking down the path I was on using a sun umbrella. And horses and carriages with men with big hats in them.

Its so quiet up there. The further towards the edge you walk, the quieter it gets- the trees and bushes help drown out the road. If you look forward youd never guess your in the middle of a city.

I like it there.

So much so that I intend to do this walk again tomorrow.

March 26th

The intention was to go of or a walk this morn, whether it was nice or not. Bright but cloudy. So I walked to the top of the hill.

I went into a 2nd hand book shop and books from the section titled 'literary classics'. The ficton section was too big and I figured they are classics for a reason so why not?!

I thought about how on a Saturday (or two) in london I could pretend to be one of those terribly artists deep thinking people and go to old dusty second hand book shops and browse.

It was the weirdest thing, on the way up I bumped into SB, she'd just had an interview. She didn't think it had gone well. I think it probably went really well and she was subconsciously preparing herself for failure. shes so great I know shell have done fine and im sure shell get it.

So I walk to work at 5.20 and its sunny and orange and quiet and warm. Turned out to be a pretty nice day and a walk on the down would be lovely NOW. Then I started work.

I am feeling strangely mellow and a little bit out of 'it'. Whatever 'it' is...

March 25th

T* arrived back in brizzle today, raving about his lovely to anyone who would listen